Professional French Bulldog Family Breeders
We are glad you stopped by to check out our dogs and puppies. Our French Bulldogs don't lack quality but don't hear it from us. See for yourself! Please allow us to delight you with our pack of Frenchies. We are a family passionate about breeding high-quality Frenchies for other families. We have dedicated our lives to our dogs and kids for the last eight years. We only have 2-4 litters in a calendar year, but for an excellent reason to ensure we raise our babies correctly. In every single litter, we have various goals that never change health, temperament, and conformation. Each one is a priority. Our ultimate goal is to provide families with a companion that brings happiness into their homes, just like our Frenchies do for us. We believe in always doing the right thing and staying true to our morals. You will find a lot of information on our site, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. - Anthony and Cinthya
Something else we are incredibly passionate about is helping educate so you can make the right choice when selecting a breeder or puppy. As a family, we understand the importance of this decision. We recommend doing plenty of research, and then more. Whether you decide on one of our beloved Frenchies or not, we, at the very minimum, would love for you to learn how to select a responsible breeder. Getting a puppy is a lifetime commitment. Before you make a mistake, take the appropriate steps to educate yourself to ensure you are not supporting poorly bred or poorly raised dogs. We are very passionate about the subject. Only support breeders who genuinely do not take shortcuts.

We converted our family room into a puppy room. The goal was to make it look like any home, allowing us to establish boundaries early on.

This is our neonatal medical equipment.

The well-being of our moms and puppies is very important to us. We always make sure to provide a clean and comfortable environment.
We take pride in being transparent and showing our dogs' living conditions. Our Frenchies are part of our family!
We strive to provide the highest care, love, and attention to our Frenchies from the moment they enter the world. While our dogs are part of our breeding program, they're all our pets, first and foremost. We strongly emphasize the importance for them to live a stress-free pet life before they ever reproduce. Allowing us to get to know each one and pair them correctly based on temperament, conformation, and the overall dog. TMF rule is never to keep more dogs than we can handle in this home setting. Quality of life is more important to us than the number of litters we produce yearly.
The Frenchie favorite. The outdoor play area.
This is where our dogs go potty.
We focus on producing high-quality, loving, healthy pets for our families to provide happiness while improving our lines. One of the subjects we are passionate about is equipping all families with the necessary informational tools to learn how to recognize a breeder who is trying their best to breed responsibly and those who are not. At the very minimum, we want to open up this conversation. You will want to about this information before deciding where your next puppy is. What you can take away from this website is that almost anybody can breed a dog and pretend to do so responsibly. Still, out of the thousands of breeders, a few are doing so ethically in a pet setting with adequate care and love.
Frenchies that meet or are as close to the standard as possible. We don’t just want to produce better litters and healthier Frenchies. Hopefully, more awareness will also make other breeders do better for their dogs. It all starts with our families not supporting that breeding style and demanding better conditions for their puppies. This type of breeder doesn’t care about the breed solely about personal gains. We believe that every litter should be better than the last one. We, more than anyone, understand that sometimes things do not go well, we ALL produce puppies that don’t meet the guidelines. However, this should not happen too often.
While you may see things differently than a breeder might, putting out this information will help educate more families so that they can make better choices. The responsible French Bulldog breeders feel like the breed needs more awareness that when bred correctly, a Frenchie should be well-behaved, adaptable, and with no separation anxiety. We understand they are our babies, but we must remember they are dogs too.

We are proud members of the Good Dog Responsible Breeder program. You can find us at gooddog.com